
Wednesday 26 September 2018

Did you know there is needles in strawberries... Soooo watch out!!!

1. Who is the main person or group of people in this news article?There is no people in  this article.

2. What was the key event from the news article?They had to cut up the strawberries before the people go out.

3. Where did this event take place?Countdown,New Zealand and Australia

4. When did this event take place?September 25, 2018

1. Find a quote from the main person in this news article?There is no quote in this article

2. In your own words describe what happened in this news article.when people were planting the strawberries in the ground before they put it in the packet they put needles in it

3. Find out where this event took place and include some information about this place.After they put the needles in the strawberries they gave it to Australia then it moved to countdown and New zealand.

4. Tell us when this event happened and explain what might happen in the future.September 25, 2018 in the future people could eat the fruit and don’t realize that there are needles inside.

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